September’s Cosmic Dance

Welcome to the unfolding of transformative shifts, karmic balances, and deep healing!


— Uranus Retrograde in Taurus —
Ends Jan 25, 2025

This retrograde presents the collective with an opportunity to audit and assess areas related to stability, values, and finances as Uranus ventures through Taurus. It’s a time that may prompt situations where we truly examine and reflect on what makes us feel secure reframing how we define success. This could pose a challenge however it is ultimately leading to major soul growth.

— Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn —
Ends on Oct 11, 2024

Pluto in astrology represents a generation’s influence on the evolution of consciousness intertwining our Soul’s true desires with what’s in the best interest of the collective as a whole. Pluto is the Lord of the unconscious, the shadow, and the cycles of death and rebirth. Pluto’s brief retrograde back into Capricorn offers us a chance to reevaluate themes in our lives related to our legacy. What dogmas and paradigms have been projected onto you since birth? How have you evolved past what those in your circle expect of you? It’s time to truly judge what is and is not for you by evaluating the influence these expectations have on your path toward your highest good.


— New Moon in Virgo —

This New Moon in Virgo marks an exciting time of renewal! It’s time to set intentions that align with your highest self; what do their habits look like? How do they maintain balance? How do they stay motivated in the face of opposition? You’d be surprised when you silence the mind just how quickly the answers start rushing in.

This New Moon energy invites you to set intentions related to self-improvement, organization, and how to utilize your sacred gifts to support and be of service to your part of the world!

Remember, take it day by day! Consistently making one conscious decision at a time leads to healthy habits and the change you seek!


— Mars Enters Cancer —
Ends November 3rd, reenters on Jan 6, 2025 - April 18, 2025

Mars, the planet of action, desire, energy, and assertiveness enters the crabby sign of Cancer. Cancer represents comfort, self-care, and divine feminine energies. The combination of these energies manifests an opportunity to become more in tune with the boundaries needed and necessary to keep the internal growth we’ve achieved safe and unscathed. Your actions during this time may be motivated by your need to feel safe and supported. While Mars transitions through Cancer be aware or BEWARE your subconscious responses to external stimuli. It’s not unheard of to be emotionally driven during this transit. This is an especially auspicious time to observe your passions and what’s truly important to you.


— Mercury Enters Virgo —
Mercury in Virgo represents a time when it’s wise to THINK before you SPEAK!

Also considering that Virgo is happy to be transiting its ruling planet, set the intention to make lists, check them twice, and get sh*t DONE! This truly is a great time to plan, refine, and ORGANIZE. Annnnnd communicating with others just got that much easier given we’re finally done recovering from last month’s Mercury Retrograde!


— Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces —

‘Tis the season of major endings and spiritual awakenings!

To those who have been resonating with the collective messages I’ve been receiving about endings shaping into beautiful new beginnings, this one’s for you!

This Lunar Eclipse will be your final purge wiping the slate clean of all karmic ties that keep you lingering in low-vibrational spaces.

This full moon energy desperately urges you to release emotional baggage to connect and realign with your higher self. This full moon highlights the individual balance between being pragmatic and allowing all of life’s magic to unfold as divinely intended. Or to put simply, how to surrender and truly “Let go and let God.”

This spiritually charged Lunar Eclipse in Pisces sets the stage for major epiphanies, insights, and realizations all relating to spiritual growth, spiritual alchemy, and emotional healing to prepare you for co-creating more intentionally with Spirit.

It’s a powerful time to close chapters relating to behaviors that enable cyclical negative thinking which inevitably doesn't allow you to embrace your abundant divine nature.

We’re invited to release all illusive energies we’ve picked up along our journey and instead embrace the tide and shifts deriving from higher consciousness.


— Sun Enters Libra —

And just like that Venus sways us toward balance!

As the Sun enters Libra we’re being blessed with harmonious energy, highlighting the rewards of all that we’ve invested in not only our interpersonal relationships but our relationships with ourselves. Throughout the next 30 days, there’s an emphasis on justice, karmic balancing, relationships, and social connections. It’s a time to be intentional about where you’re giving and what you’re receiving in exchange. (coughs @ my people pleasers in the back!)

The Sun’s entry into Libra not only puts a spotlight on harmony but also the shift of seasons from Summer to Fall with the Autumn Equinox. Set the intention from this day forward to commit to a balanced perception of life. All is always working out in your favor, even if the unfolding of it doesn’t seem that way.


— Venus Enters Scorpio —

Hope you enjoyed the peace cause Venus in Scorpio is here to shake some sh*t up! Feeling stagnant in some of your close relationships? Say less!
Venus in Scorpio is here to turn up the heat intensifying emotions in relationships. Shallow connections, small talk, and “just getting by,” are no longer the vibe!

Scorpio energy is all about unveiling hidden truths, its focus on depth, passion, and transformation makes this a favorable time to take those shallow relationships to a deeper, more intimate place. Venus in Scorpio is allowing us to deepen our connections with not only others but ourselves!


— Mercury Enters Libra —

Been procrastinating about getting something off your chest? Fearful of rocking the boat? Well, wait no longer!
Mercury in Libra sets the stage for there to be balanced and fair dialogues. Remember Gardener, those who do not allow you to thrive in your truth are not for you(th)!
Welp, we almost rhymed but you get it! Speak your truth, set those boundaries, and live your life for you. Those who love you will fall in line with your requests and the others, well they’ll show you they were just place holders until your next evolutionary shift!


8.8.8 Lion’s Gate